Brookshire-Pattison Mobility Study

Brookshire-Pattison Mobility Study

Tuesday, March 4th 
5;30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Royal High School
34499 Royal Rd.
Brookshire, TX

The meeting is open-house format meaning attendees may come and go at their convenience and provide comments at any point.  There will be no formal presentation.


The Texas department of Transportation (TxDOT) is conducting a mobility study for the cities of Brookshire & Pattison, plus surrounding areas.  The purpose of the study, in collaboration with local officials, Key-stakeholders, and the general public, is to improve safety, mobility, and sustainability while accommodating the region’s residential and commercial growth.


Comments must be received on or before Wednesday, March 19th to be included in the official public meeting documentation.

Reference project number: 0912-00-673

Contact Information:
Phone: 713-802-5812
Mail: TxDOT Houston District

          7600 Washington Ave.

          Houston, TX    77007

    ATTN: District Transportation Planning